equipment is set up on the entry side – in this case, near
Rio Grande City, Texas. The 750 t thruster and Direct Pipe
machine were welded to the product pipe and launched
from inside a shallow sheet-piled pit on the Texas side.
The operator’s control container was placed beside the
launch pit. The machine and pipe was precisely steered
along the alignment to a small, simple retrieval pit on the
Mexican side of the crossing.
Michels is among the world’s most experienced
contractors using Direct Pipe and has succeeded at many
other challenging projects. Direct Pipe is a single-pass
installation that combines microtunnelling and a thrusting
system to directly install steel product pipes.
An operator on the surface monitors and corrects alignment
changes and controls the tunnelling head and thrusting unit
simultaneously. A gyro-compass is used for horizontal orientation
and a hydraulic water levelling system is used for vertical
orientation. The two combine to allow for an accurate curved
drill the same as an HDD installation in relatively shallow depths.
For the Rio Grande crossing, depth of about 40 ft was realised.
Keeping to schedule
As always, Michels’ comprehensive planning and construction
management procedures played key roles in the ultimate
success of this project. As such, long before crews arrived at
the Rio Grande, extensive preparations were put into place.
Michels is proud of the size, diversity and condition of
its equipment fleet. The company’s talented support teams
maintain the equipment and make sure the right pieces are
ready to be mobilised to the project sites. For this project,
a thruster, Direct Pipe machine, mud cleaning system and
support equipment was required for Direct Pipe and pipeline
Michels is aware that any down time not only impacts
the overall project, but the customer and affected property
owners as well. By keeping its equipment in top condition and
by training its teams to quickly diagnose and respond to any
unanticipated mechanical issues, Michels strives to keep the
project on the committed schedule.
This project presented several unusual elements that
were also addressed before mobilisation. As always on
Michels’ projects, the safety of its crews, customers and the
communities in which it works is of paramount importance.
The company’s project management and HSE teams have
vigorous standards for safe working conditions.
A local contractor was hired from Mexico to assist
with removal of the machine from the retrieval pit and to
transport it back to the US. Throughout the duration of the
project, and with the co-operation of its project partners,