Todd Loudin, President/CEO
of Flowrox North America,
takes a look at valves that are
meeting the needs of the oil
and gas industry by succeeding
in harsh environments and
assisting operators in reducing
costs and maximising profits.
hat types of valves will
survive some of the harshest
conditions in the oil and gas
industry? There are hundreds
of different types of valves and all have
niche locations where they may work well.
However, 90 - 95% of those valves will fail in
harsh applications. So, how does a user know
which valve to choose when there are so
many options? Obviously, past experience is
one means to insure success. Also, there are
documented success stories from reputable
valve companies that have proven successes
in harsh applications. One very difficult area is
in the separation units on offshore platforms.
Coming up from the ocean floor is a mixture
of crude, sea water and sand that is separated
to capture the valuable oil.