Inspection of subsea fabrication and repair welds.
Component geometry measurement including ovality
The tools are developed and built around Sonomatic’s
extensive field experience with challenging subsea inspections
and integrate proven Microplus ultrasonic systems and
software with bespoke in-house designed scanner hardware.
The ultrasonic system is located in a subsea module mounted
on the ROV-iT to allow high reliability digital transmission of
data via the ROV’s communication systems. After positioning
by the ROV, the scanner is fully controlled by the inspection
team topsides. The ultrasonic system is highly configurable for
each specific application and provides
a comprehensive range of presentation
formats including A, B, C and D-scans.
The data is analysed real-time using
Sonomatic’s proprietary software routines
and analysis algorithms to allow accurate
and reliable results to be provided in the
form of single or composite images for
each inspection location. The full data
sets, including individual A-scans, are
also stored for detailed post inspection
analysis and comparison with previous
The inspection systems are designed
for use with work class ROVs, and can
also be used with both wide-angle video
camera on a multiplexer and with LED
lighting systems, which are pressured-
rated to 2000 m. The tools are connected
to the ROV via a short umbilical, which
supplies all electrical and motion services.
Data is transferred in real time back to
the surface through the ROV umbilical
and no additional cabling is needed.
Key features:
Subsea deployment of a range of
advanced ultrasonic techniques with
proven industry leading performance.
Subsea deployment of alternating
current field method (ACFM) for
surface crack detection.
Inspection for a range of degradation
mechanisms including corrosion,
erosion and cracking.
Inspection for internal liner
detection and component geometry
Flexible riser inspection.
Full 360˚ coverage.
Scan lengths of 1 m.
2000 m depth-rated.
Horizontal and vertical scanning.
Key benefits:
Cost-effective inspection.
No dive-support vessel (DSV) required.
Deepwater inspection capability.
Diverless operation reduces personnel risk.
Fully ROV-integrated operation.
Work class ROV deployable.
+1-918-259-3050 |
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