This is why Element’s material testing, bespoke acquisition
and analysis routines are tailored to provide the highest
quality data in the oil and gas industry.
On a project-specific basis, all parameters that might
lead to an applied stress on a weld flaw or potentially
provide cyclic stresses that could result in growth by fatigue
should be considered. A pipeline ECA should take into
account installation stress; installation fatigue; operational
fatigue; and end-of-life operational stress and within each
of these different stages there is the potential for a number
of complicated load cases.
The ECA process balances the competing interests within
the offshore pipeline industry. Successful projects require
efficient cost management and realistic time frames.
Meanwhile, regulatory frameworks exist to ensure safe
operation and the prevention of failure that may incur costs
well beyond those of repairs or delays.
Oilfield pipelines are required to function under ever-
increasingly challenging environments and Element has seen
increasing demand for ECAs. Oil majors and installation
contractors are finding ECAs an increasingly critical tool to
guarantee that pipelines are operating safely and are fit for
Innovation in ECA testing and analysis methods is
constant and remains a strategic priority for Element.
An integrated, internationally standardised service from
partners with equal expertise in both the testing and
assessment areas of ECAs will provide benefits in terms of
data and analysis accuracy, speed of delivery and cost whilst
giving increased confidence in the overall integrity of a
Making the world a cleaner place...
One pipeline at a time.
Toll Free:
Figure 3.
The ECA process balances the competing interests
within the offshore pipeline industry, with Oil Majors and
installation contractors finding ECAs an increasingly critical
tool to guarantee that pipelines are operating safely and are fit
for service.