andmeasurement requirements for a filtermust first be defined and then
a proper solutionmust be selected to pass the test standard. Tomeet this
industry demand, CLARCOR Industrial Air developed a new range of filtration
solutions that offer unique hydrophobic properties combinedwith high
efficiency performance to protect offshore and coastal rotatingmachinery in
oil and gas applications.
Extensive field trials of this hydrophobicmedia showsignificant
reductions in gas turbine output degradation between filter washes, leading
to increased overall generated output with significant financial benefits.
Trials in high-moisture, high-salt coastal sites also shownegligible corrosion
of turbine blades after 20 000 fired hours – amarked contrast with typical
experience using conventional filters. Using advancedmedia technology
and clever aerodynamics, compact filtration solutions that performwell
at elevated flow rates and provide equivalent performance to traditional
solutions can also be achieved. These innovative solutions are ideal
where space is premiumand reduce the compromise between cost and
performance; lowering the cost of adding greater systemprotection.
The altair® ODSY vCell filter is constructed frommicroglass technology
and has a filtration efficiency grade of E12 per EN1822:2009, equal to a
minimum99.5%of MPPS. Its 24 in. deep construction provides extended
filtration surface area that ensures low-pressure loss and supports extended
filter life reducing filtermaintenance-related downtime. Clean pressure
loss at the rated flowof 5300m
/h is just 260 Pa. The filter has been
shown to offer significant improvements over a traditional high velocity
offshore systemwithwet and dry salt removal efficiency typically up to
10 000 times greater.
Using a deeper filtermeans thatmoremedia is containedwithin
the unit. This deeper configuration (24 in. comparedwith a traditional
12 in. depth) enablesmore air to pass throughwhile keeping themedia
velocity constant, thereby avoiding an increase in pressure loss across the
system. Advancedmanufacturing capability ensures that the increased
pleating required in the unit does not weaken themediawhile the additional
filtration surface area supports extended filter life. Overall, this results in a
more compact solution, smaller filter house and longer filter life that is ideal
for offshore applications.
To ensure robust performance ismaintained in an extreme environment,
additional features such as complete sealing and a rugged frame should also
be considered in the design of a filtration unit. Severe pressure conditions
associatedwith gas turbine applications also need to be handledwithin the
Comparedwith traditional filtration solutions that have high efficiency
ratings of F6 or F7, the use of an E12 rated hydrophobic filter can extend the
offlinewater wash frequency of the gas turbine frombetween four to eight
weeks to an impressive 12months. Since an offlinewater wash requires
the operator to come off load and cool the gas turbine before cleaning
with detergent andwater, this upgrade in filter performance significantly
increases the availability of the turbine, protects valuable production time
and provides a rapid return on investment.
Increasing the availability and reliability of a gas turbine in an oil and gas
application has clear benefit to overall production and profitability. Properly
managingwater through the lifetime of the filter also ensures that salt levels
are appropriatelymanaged.
Standard tests and industry ratings indicate that a hydrophobic
media has similar performance to regularmedia but there are currently
no recognised standards for hydrophobic filter properties. However,
side-by-side trials of themedia types have shown that the reduction in
corrosion and frequency of water washes required through the use of
advanced hydrophobic technology offers significant reductions in downtime.
Operators know that the investment in better performing filtration
solutions has a significant impact on reducing costly downtime. A filtration
solution thatmore effectively handles the challenges of changing levels
salt, dust, and hydrocarbons alongwith themoisture that can carry them
through the system, offers increases in turbine reliability and availability that
have clear benefit to the oil and gas industry.
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