improvement in average ROP, achieving 42.9 ft /hr, an increase of
10.5 ft/hr over wells with no vibration tool (Figure 1). In fact, the tool
demonstrated performance gains in curve and lateral sections of 3.6 ft/hr
and 9.3 ft/hr (Figure 2). Sliding efficiency as measured by sliding footage
per hole section improved 16%when compared to the slide efficiency of
the hole section with no friction reduction tool in place (Figures 3 & 4).
The tool’s ability to orient quicker and hold tool faces more accurately
allows more productive sliding, which produces more consistent and
predictable build rates.
The ultimate goal of virtually every downhole tool is to produce
accurate, efficient results with as few complications and delays as
possible in order to save time and reduce costs on the overall project,
and increase profitability. Utilising lateral vibrations to reduce friction in
the BHA and drill string produces smoother wellbore functionality due to
accurate slides and reduced doglegs. The extended reach LVT is simple to
operate, adjustable tomatch flow andmud weights, and is offered with
the various common drill pipe connections found on any given job.
Withmore than 5000 successful runs, the extended reach LVT
produces more efficient slides enabling directional drillers to achieve
the desired doglegs and directional corrections with less sliding footage.
Reduced stick/slip and frictional drag, along withmore effective hole
cleaning, aids drillers in staying on target with continuous wellbore
operations. These improvements help to extend the life of the bit,
produce smoother curves and aid in achievingmaximumhorizontal
distance, higher average ROP and reduced drilling costs.
SPE/IADC-173049-MS Heisig/Wilson.
Figure 4.
The Xciter improves slidingperformance andallowsmore
consistent build rates, resulting in less sliding footage per curve section.
Figure 3.
ROPand sliding efficiency. Sliding efficiency and overall ROP
performance gains as apercentage of improvement over runswith no
friction reduction tool.
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